911 Director

Michael Kocher
911 Director

35932 Airport Road
Ontonagon, MI 49953

Mailing Address: 

911 Director
Ontonagon County Courthouse
725 Greenland Road
Ontonagon, MI 49953

Click here for FAQ regarding 911 Address Procedure

FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) recently launched a marketing campaign in weeks, we’re inviting you to reach out to your community members to help them understand the distinct flood risks associated with living below dams — and how they can make sure they’re covered. This is your opportunity to remind your residents why flood insurance is the best way to guard themselves against the devastating financial impacts of flooding.

Michigan has approximately 2,600 dams, and although they have protected communities for years, dam failure is still a real possibility — even if your community doesn’t think so. And as you’ve experienced recently, your community is vulnerable to other sources of flooding due to changing environmental conditions.

Be sure to share our resources that can help you protect your community, and get everything you need in real time — from local notifications to emergency checklists — when you download the FEMA app.

Together, we can help spread awareness, increase flood insurance policies, and build stronger communities throughout Michigan.

Questions, comments, or requests for additional resources? Reach out to James Sink at [email protected].